Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Party Clues!

There are many signs around the island that Christmas on Club penguin is coming faster than you could imagine! If you head to the 3 places I am about to tell you about, you will see what I mean. The first place you can go to see a sneak peak kind of thing is the Town. When you are in the town, you should be able to see the Christmas tree that will be making it's way into the coffee shop this Friday for the big party. You can also see that there is a box labeled snow. Until Friday, we can only guess what that extra snow could be for.
The second place you could look to find a clue is at the Ski Village. Now, here you can see 2 separate piles of boxes of stuff. In the first pile, at the bottom left side of your screen, you can see 2 boxes, a sled, and a candy cane. The first box is labeled SNOW again. What is up with all of these mysterious snow boxes!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The second box is yet another mystery. Also, yet again, we can only guess what is in that box as well! In the second pile, located in the middle of the room, then off to the right a bit, there are another 2 boxes. In the first box, which is opened, you can see a large candy cane sticking out. Oh, and there is another unopened, mystery box.
The last place where you can find some clues is at the Cove. Here, at the Cove, there are the most boxes in the pile. It is difficult to make out how many boxes and bags and etc. the stuff is in / came in. So, it seems that all the clues here were in around 3 or 4 boxes. You can see a black top hat, a box of decorations, and some blue cloth-like material. There are also 2 unopened boxes. One of which has been painted red and white almost in a striped pattern. That's all the clues so far. Check these places out for yourselves if you get the chance. Byes!

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